Can you run a commercial laundry service, if so then what’s the most important thing about running your company? Well surely the most significant thing about it needs to be keeping your machines running constantly, it is not only about winning as much business as possible as if your machines are breaking down, then all of the new company in the World is not going to help you in the long term. So why not take some time to look at what maintenance service your Laundry service and repair arrangement currently offers you.

You may be perfectly satisfied with your present agreement; however this might be because none of your machines have gone wrong as of now, so the question is how quickly will they be repaired if something goes wrong? What will be the impact to your company if they are not prepared quickly? For instance if you are running a 24 or7 operation, as many industrial laundries are, what issue will your company be in if you are without a roller iron for a couple of days or more, or one from your two primary washing machines cannot be fixed for a week?

For most laundry companies these fix times could prove absolutely Catastrophic and cause the loss of major customers and possibly be so poor in their effect that you must close your business. Often you would not realise this danger until it is too late because thiet bi giat la. Therefore would recommend that you take a close look at your commercial laundry repair services arrangement in some detail and determine what degree of protection it really provides you with.

It could be that you bought machines at a very low price and they seem To run well and you are perfectly pleased with them, however you really need to look at the small print for what sort of commercial laundry repair service you get in case of a breakdown. With almost any industrial laundry repair service provider you need to be asking the question how quickly they will come out for you, and most importantly how quickly do they promise to rectify the error. If they cannot rectify the fault within the time mentioned in the agreement, will they provide a replacement system to aid you? In addition, you have to ask what amount of spares they are carrying as it is no use having an extremely quick call out time, if it takes two or three weeks for them to find the spare parts to perform the repair.

By Miller